Members’ Pledge

In the fulfillment of my spiritual commitment, I do hereby solemnly pledge that, as a member of Catch of the Day USA Church:


I have read, understood and agree with its vision, mission and goals;


I will faithfully attend Sunday service and the discipleship training institute;


I will learn how to talk to the Heavenly Father wait until he talks to me;


I will volunteer my time, talent and resources in the community to help others;


I will be active and faithful in church affairs and vote on important issues;


I will study my Bible to show myself approved unto God, grow up spiritually;


I will become an active disciple of Christ and share my Christian faith with others;


I will donate cheerfully to Catch of the Day to support its vision and mission;


So help me Heavenly Father.


“Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  (2 Timothy 2:15)