Facilities Operation & Management
- Each member leading any activity has the responsibility of seeing that all doors are locked; all equipment turned off and all lights turned out, alarm set following the activity.
- Any unusual occurrence, breakage or equipment failure should be reported to the property and grounds team immediately.
- No equipment shall be taken from the premises without appropriate approval and signed out from the church office and approved by the property and grounds team.
- All use of the facilities must be scheduled ahead of time and properly recorded on the church calendar along with the name, phone number of the person who will be in charge of the event. The church secretary will make all entries.
- The fellowship hall is to be kept locked at all times when not in use.
- All garbage and disposable items must be properly picked up and disposed of properly.
- The leader of each group using the facilities and equipment should remind everyone sharing in the event that each of us has a shared responsibility of keeping the facilities looking neat and clean and caring for the equipment. EXAMPLE: LEAVE THE KITCHEN CLEAN! SUCH AS WASHING THE DISHES YOU HAVE USED INCLUDING SILVERWARE AND UTENSILS AND PUTTING THEM IN THEIR PROPER PLACES.
- The care in turning off unnecessary lights and locking all doors should also be constantly stressed to groups using the facilities.
- Issues not covered by these guidelines and that are not common sense must be brought to the attention of the Property and Grounds Team.
- No food or drink is allowed in the sanctuary.
- No smoking is allowed in any part of the building.
- Polyethylene film MUST be placed on the carpet under all candles (in area large enough to catch all drops of wax. This includes drip less candles since our air conditioning and heating can cause them to drip also).