A Deacon must:
- Subscribes to Catch of Day vision, mission and values.
- Be an active male or female member for two years and be at least twenty-five years of age.
- Be born again of the Spirit of God and willing to live his Christian testimony.
- Have a teachable spirit to learn and apply the Scriptures to his life.
- Believe that the Bible is the infallible, inerrant Word of God.
- Become a active disciple of Christ and to lead the Church in evangelism visitations.
- Believe that it is the obligation of every Christian to obey the Great Commission.
- Believe in and practice financially supporting COD DC vision, mission and values.
- Not have any unresolved anger management or serious domestic violence arrests.
- Know how to manage and rule his own household well. (I Timothy 3:8-13.)
- Know how to hold his tongues against spreading gossip or talking critically about others.
- Not be involved in games of chance for profit, aka, gambling.
- Handle his own business affairs in a way that is above reproach.
- Possess a good name among the people where he lives and where he is employed.
- Abstain from the use or distribution of intoxicating drinks as a beverage.
- Encourage dialog and peaceful solutions and conclusions to heated conversations.
- Avoid murmuring, complaining and destroying the reputation of another person.
- Be willing to serve the membership in a reasonable time frame when service is needed.
- Be willing to resign from the Deacon Team if he cannot or will not carry out his responsibilities.
- Think, plan and assist the pastoral team with taking care of every member.