Call for Duty Vision and Mission


We will organize ourselves into combat squadrons that will seek, hunt and destroy the enemies of our success.   We will devise realistic tactics, strategies and battle plans that will utterly destroy the enemies of our personal development.

We will learn how to fight for ourselves, one another and the village, neighborhood and community. We will learn how to love ourselves and the brotherhood. We will learn how to become our brothers keepers, protectors and best buddies.

We will encourage, empower, repair, restore, uplift and support our young adult men 18-34 years old, who will train to become heads of the households, family patriarch, elders of the block, neighborhoods, communities, counties, cities, states and countries.

We will learn how to respectfully talk to, honor and value our mothers, girlfriends and wives. We will honor our marriage vows before the Heavenly Father, our family and children. We will fight for our marriages, defend and keep our marriages holy. We will not harm, hurt, verbally or physically abuse any female.

We will take full responsibility for all the boys and young men of the village, neighborhood and community. We will help them transition from boys to men with an initiation ceremony. We will give special attention to young adult men between the ages of 18-34.

We will approach, engage and embrace all men regardless of geographic location, race, age, sex, gender, nationality, disability, education, income, creed, religion, sports or gangs affiliation.  

We will learn how to cease talking derogatorily, negatively, degradingly, disrespectfully and disparagingly to another brother. We will not belittle, diminish, slight or denigrate another brother. We will not engage in banter, tease, joke about, wisecrack, jest or swordplay with another brother’s mental emotions. We will not provoke another brother to wrath and uncontrolled rage.  

We will not allow any filthy communication to come out of our mouth such as calling another man a mfer, punk, nigger or call a female a bitch or any other destructive language. We will not put down or curse our fellow brother with inflammatory way. We will be respectful to all boys and men, even if we think they don’t deserve it.

We will not harm, hunt or kill another brother. We will exercise self-control, discipline and patience, even if we are disrespected by another brother. We will be nice, kind and courteous to all brothers at all times. We will ignore provocations by other brothers.

We will learn how to defeat our personal demons and fears seen and unseen. We will act with boldness and courage when faced with an internal or external enemy. We will seek, destroy and dismiss every thought and imagination that comes against our right to life, existence, longevity, peace of mind and pursuit of happiness.

We will learn, adapt and profit from the diverse group of men’s multitude of skills, training, talents and experiences. 

We will be transparent and honest when talking to the brotherhood. We will share our true feelings, inner thoughts, opinions, ideas, passions, emotions, trials, tribulations, exploits, triumphs, victories and success stories.

We will learn how to take care of ourselves spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically and everlastingly. 

LASTLY, we will confess our faults one to another and pray one for another so the Heavenly Father can heal us.




Foundation Scriptures
Two are better than one because they have a
good return for their labor together:
If either of them fall down, one can help
the other up. But pity anyone who falls and
have no one to help them up.
(Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)
How good and pleasant it is when
brothers live together in unity!
(Psalms 133:1)
Iron sharpens iron; so a man
sharpens the face of his friend. 
(Proverbs 27:17)
Confess your faults one to another, and pray
one for another, that you may be healed.
The effectual fervent prayer of the
righteous avails much.
(James 5:16)